Safeguarding is very important to us. All adults who work or volunteer in school are subject to a DBS check and are asked to wear a badge to identify who they are. They are all given safeguarding and prevent training and receive regular updates.
Any visitors to the school site are also asked to sign in at the school office and wear a visitors' badge.
Our children are taught what to do if they are worried about something and who to go to for help. They are taught to identify staff and visitors in school and clear reporting of any concerns ensures that any worries are addressed quickly.
Our curriculum regularly covers areas such as e-Safety and personal safety. We will send a termly safeguarding newsletter which will give advice and guidance on safeguarding outside of school.
Samantha Dangerfield
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Jo Paffett
Alternative Safeguarding Lead,
Senior Mental Health Lead
Karla King
Alternative Safeguarding Lead,
Domestic Abuse Champion
Karen Berryman
Alternative Safeguarding Lead,
Neglect Champion
Gemma Montgomery
Alternative Safeguarding Lead,
Wellbeing Mentor
Nicky Austin
Alternative Safeguarding Lead
H. Duxbury
Safeguarding Advisor:
Photographs of these members of staff and their contact details are displayed throughout the school so they are easily identifiable.
Safeguarding Alert – Contact a member of the safeguarding team
The ‘ALERT US’ button is a tool available on our website to raise any safeguarding concerns outside of school hours.
This tool is there for parents/carers and students to use when needing support. The information is sent direct to the safeguarding team to deal with the concern.
Safeguarding is regarded as the highest priority at All Saints School and we take action with all concerns raised.