Head students

Our Head Students have to write a letter of application outlining how they have made a positive contribution to the school and how they will continue to support the school in their final year at All Saints. One of their main duties is to lead the school council, supporting each form representative from each year group across the school.

Head Students will also contribute to many events organised throughout the school year by individual staff and the Senior Leadership Team.

Senior Prefects

Two Year 11 students are chosen as Senior Prefects, they will support our Head Students and lead the prefect team as well as taking on an additional area of responsibility raised by the Senior Leadership Team.


Year 11’s who are willing to helping all members of staff around the school and supporting the younger students with all aspects of school life.

Sports Leaders

At All Saints School, KS4 students can participate in a sports leaders programme.
Students are supported along the course by the schools PE teacher who coordinates the programme. They are involved in supporting younger students with physical activity during break and lunch and the planning and delivery of a sports event.
Upon completion of the course students receive an internal certification which benefits their CV, helping to enhance employability and further education opportunities.

Student Librarians

This group of students are trained to support classes in using the library. Roles include working in the library during the morning session, (taking the travelling Library to the classes), break and lunch-times. They play an active part in all aspects of the library including learning to use the library computer system, issuing and receiving books, shelving and overseeing the display areas.

School Council Representatives

The School Council meets once a half term and is led by the Head Students and Senior Prefects. Each class discusses all aspects of the school every half term and the school council representative’s feedback to the Head Students and members of the Senior Leadership Team in order to gain a sense of student voice, across the school, each academic year.

All Saints School
School Road, Lessingham
Norwich NR12 0DJ

Registered Business address:

All Saints School (Lessingham) Limited. Company no: 10323174
Rookery Farm, Reynolds Lane, Potter Heigham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 5LY

Phone number: 01692 582083 – answerphone will be monitored throughout term time and school holidays
Email: rsmith@allsaintslessingham.co.uk