The Advisory Board was set up in October 2019 with the aim of supporting and challenging the leadership team to ensure children, and young people reach their full potential, intellectually, emotionally, physically, spiritually and ethically.

Chair of Advisory Board - Heather Duxbury.

To contact the Chair please write to Heather Duxbury via the school email address at or contact her directly on

Advisory Board
Name Governor Type Term From Roles
Sam Dangerfield Head Teacher
Rachel Smith Managing Director Finance
Judith Gardiner Director Student Welfare
Jane Crawford Co-Opted Advisor 25.10.19 Social, Moral and Spiritual Education
H. Duxbury
Co-Opted Advisor 25.10.19 Safeguarding/ H&S/ Safer Recruitment and Attendance
Rebecca Theobald Co-Opted Advisor 11.12.20
David Shuker Co-Opted Advisor 1.3.22
Linda Shuker Co-Opted Advisor 1.3.22
Sally Alden Co-Opted Advisor 1.9.23 Online safety
Code of Conduct

Company Registered address: All Saints School (Lessingham) Limited. Company no: 10323174
Rookery Farm, Reynolds Lane, Potter Heigham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 5LY

All Saints School
School Road, Lessingham
Norwich NR12 0DJ

Registered Business address:

All Saints School (Lessingham) Limited. Company no: 10323174
Rookery Farm, Reynolds Lane, Potter Heigham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 5LY

Phone number: 01692 582083 – answerphone will be monitored throughout term time and school holidays