Jemma Baker
Jemma holds a BSc(Hons) in Occupational Therapy and has completed post-graduate training in the Zones of Regulation, Therapeutic Listening, Positive Behaviour Support Coaching and Ayres’ Sensory Integration Therapy modules 1,2 and 3.
Jemma has worked as a school-based OT with children and young people with ASD and SEMH difficulties. She also has a clinical background of working with adults with mental health and learning difficulties.
Jemma enjoys using clients’ individual interests to promote their engagement in the assessment and treatment process.
Occupational Therapy at All Saints
Occupational therapy provides practical support to empower people to overcome the barriers preventing them from doing the activities (occupations) that matter to them. This support increases people’s independence and satisfaction in all aspects of their life (Royal College of Occupational Therapists, 2019). Within school, Jemma will work with parents, the child, teachers, school SENDCo and any other relevant people to identify and understand the child’s usual occupations to discover what difficulties they face. Following assessment, OT intervention or advice may be provided to support the child’s fine and gross motor skills, sensory needs, independence with their activities of daily living and any other areas of need that impact on their functioning within school.