
I wonder if you could share this with your team.

Huge thanks to all your staff; to the ones we see on sports days, EHCP reviews, summer fayres, leaving assemblies, Christmas celebrations and parent cafes; to the ones we speak to, about new jumpers, lost jumpers, and all the things between, when the school number flashes up on my phone and I hold my breath in an all too familiar flashback to what seems like a lifetime ago and hear 'Nothing to worry about, Molly is fine' and I can breathe again. Thanks to those too, behind the scenes, who we may not get to see or speak to very often, if at all!

To you, Sam for making All Saints what it is today; for celebrating the smallest (and biggest) of wins; and for listening with such compassion when we are at our lowest and most vulnerable, when tempers may be frayed, and words said that cannot be unsaid, I want to say a very special thank you.

All Saints is a safe haven, a life saver, and a game changer.

Wishing you all a much deserved and relaxing summer. I know Molly will be well cared for when she returns in September.

Molly's mum (Yr 8)

Thank you all so much for helping Oliver settle so well and so quickly at school. We cannot express how grateful we are -in Oliver’s own words, “there is no such thing as a bad day at school now”.

(Year 5 Parent)

Here’s hoping you have a well-deserved rest and spend precious time with your families and friends over the Christmas period.
Tommy-Lee has had a fantastic year with the school this year, I have noticed him grow in confidence and feel more at ease to be able to come into school. Your school is a credit, you put the children’s needs first, all your love, support, dedication and care.
(Year 6 Parent)

I just wanted to email to let you know that Oliver has had an amazing first couple of days with you.

It is the first time he has ever come home from School and described his day as, in his words, "Great, I could stay there for 5 nights!"

It seems he is enjoying School again which is amazing to see and hear!!!

Usually I have to practically bribe Oli out of bed for School but every day this week he has been up, dressed, breakfasted, made his bed and ready to leave by 7am!!! It is so amazing to see him so happy!!!

My child has been a pupil of All Saints School, Lessingham for the last 4 years and I have to say it has absolutely been the best experience by far.

Across the board, the care of Sam has been outstanding, extremely child focussed and providing the best possible education available for a child with needs such as Sam's. I cannot express highly enough how much I rate this school. How it doesn't achieve "outstanding" as a school I can only

imagine is due to paperwork and processes rather than the actual needs of the child, as these are without doubt in my experience always met and the staff work tirelessly to achieve this. I'm also friendly with several other mums, who I know share my experiences and cannot speak highly enough about All Saints Lessingham.

I have no concerns about the plans and provisions for Sam when he moves into adulthood, the school are already helping prepare him for the changes ahead. I have never found communication poor in any way whatsoever, the staff and headmistress have stood side by side with me every step of the way and worked with me diligently to help provide the best possible education and care for Sam and I applaud them as a school.

All Saints Lessingham will always receive my highest recommendation for anyone looking for a school that can provide a specialist education which is 100% geared towards the child. It will always be an "outstanding" school with an outstanding team and I feel blessed that Sam was able to secure a place and spend his last 4 years in such a warm and caring environment where he could grow and achieve and for the first time in his young life, not be made to feel different.

Year 11 Parent - Nov 2022

The provision being provided is highly responsive to the individual needs of the children and is tailor made to suit children in a way that no other school would. Becoming an independent special school would give the school and staff the recognition of the work they do and skills they have.

Nov 2022

All Saints is more specialised than just an independent school. This school is about making children feel that they can achieve regardless of their skills. Education is set per student not per year group so all levels and students can feel accomplished.

Nov 2022

All Saint's School works brilliantly with the many pupils that have challenging leaning needs and they deserve the support and recognition that comes with being a deemed a specialist school.

Nov 2022

Caitlin is doing amazing in college settled in really well her confidence and independence is blossoming, thanking everyone at All Saints again!

Parent of leaver 2022

I would like to thank you in the office for answering all my queries. I would also like to thank all the staff for helping XX to settle in and completing a successful year. He enjoys coming to school and has learnt so much, socially and in terms of behaviour as well as academically. The care and attention that the staff in school give to the individual pupils is amazing.

Year 7 parent – July 2022

Please thank everyone involved in organising and undertaking the trip to Hautbois last week. It’s a huge job, especially at this time of year,  but very much appreciated by the children and us parents. XX had a lovely time and it was so good for him to have the experience of staying away from home plus, of course, taking part in all the activities.

Year 7 parent – July 2022

We hope that you all have a well-deserved rest over the summer.
Thank-you again.

Year 7 parent – July 2022

On behalf of myself, thanks for all the support with xxx this term. Your school and staff are amazing working through this difficult time and keeping the children safe. xxx was going to make you all a cake to bring in, he will do this in the new year as he knows you all enjoy his cake baking.

Keep safe and xxx will see you all in the new year.

Year 10 parent – December 21

I emailing to let you know how proud I am of your wonderful students, each one a credit to Mrs Senior and All Saints school. Every session all students are polite, friendly to all ECCGY students, staff and myself. Each student’s behaviour is impeccable, they all work very hard and produce work of a very high standard. All a joy to be with. I simply could praise each one endlessly.

Mrs Senior is beyond amazing with all the students, the natural care, kindness and strength she gives to each student is wonderful. It is very clear to see all the students feel safe, secure and confident with Mrs Senior. Mrs Senior is also a credit to All Saints. An amazing lady. 

East Coast College, Great Yarmouth

Myself and xxx would like to thank you all for all your support through this year in school. It’s been very much appreciated by myself and xxx.

Your school is amazing and nothing is ever too much trouble for you.

xxx has come on so well in your school due to you all being so caring towards your students.

Enjoy the cake and chocolates and the lovely summer break. See you all back in September.

Year 9 parent – July 2021

Our daughter xxx has come home this evening with a massive smile on her face, she can’t stopped talking about her day and is talking about buying school uniform for when she joins you.

Please pass on my thanks to everyone that has been in contact with xxx this week and made her so welcome.

After all these months we finally have our happy daughter back.

New Parent Year 9

Just a quick email to say a huge ‘thank you’ to you all for turning xxx’s life around, for the patience and belief you have shown in her.

She has grown into the most wonderful, slightly bonkers (!) human being, whilst in your care.

Honestly, it has been a fantastic experience for us, as a family unit to know that xxx was so well looked after. She finally found her place after many years in the wilderness.

We will miss you and will always look back at her time at Lessingham with a smile and joy in our hearts.

Year 11 Parent - July 2020

We are so happy that xxx is at your school and are exceptionally proud that he is doing so well, the online learning has been brilliant in difficult circumstances and the teachers have been amazing. 

Thank you, we are very grateful. 

Year 7 Parent - March 2021

When Ofsted visit, put them in touch with us please as we want to get across how wonderful and what a brilliant school you are.

Year 3 Parent - March 2021

All Saints School has been fantastic for my 2 autistic children.

I sent my eldest child to the school knowing it’s previous Ofsted results. When it came to needing a school for my youngest child, I knew All Saints would be my first & only choice.

She is the happiest we have ever seen and her learning consistently challenged and extended. The expectations are set high and with the encouragement and support of staff, she enjoys striving to achieve them. 

The communication with the school is exceptional, from home - school planners, newsletters, to regular texts and emails, even out of hours.

Of the very few issues that have been raised, all have been dealt with swiftly, with satisfactory outcomes. 

My daughter calls it “her heaven on earth”, this from a child with deeply entrenched school trauma through multiple unmet needs in her previous “good” school!

Most importantly my child feels safe, valued and accepted for who she is, as a parent that is all I can ask for. 

Year 5 parent

We would just like to say thank you for allowing us to visit our daughter tonight to wish her a happy birthday

She is thoroughly enjoying her visit to Hautbois and we are so proud of her attending this residential trip.  It shows just how far she has come with the support of your team.

Year 10 parent

The school has been perfect for our son. Since attending there his knowledge has gone well above our expectations. This has all been down to the staff there who work tirelessly. They are all approachable and have been there for us whenever we have had concerns.

Our son is so much happier at this school. We have another son with learning difficulties and we are at this moment fighting with NCC to get him in there.

They have turned our eldest son around so we know from experience they can give him all the help he needs.

Year 9 parent

All Saints School
School Road, Lessingham
Norwich NR12 0DJ

Registered Business address:

All Saints School (Lessingham) Limited. Company no: 10323174
Rookery Farm, Reynolds Lane, Potter Heigham, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR29 5LY

Phone number: 01692 582083 – answerphone will be monitored throughout term time and school holidays
Email: rsmith@allsaintslessingham.co.uk